A total of 60 presentations were made in this two day event. There were two plenary talks given by government ministers (H.E. Eng. Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transportation and H.E. Dr. Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water, Irrigation, and Energy), two opening statements, 26 keynotes and 30 presentations.
The official ETHIOPIA 2050 Conference Booklet contains abstracts and speaker’s profile.
A. Urbanization and Infrastructure Theme
1. Architect Bethlehem Demissie – Urbanization in Context of ETHIOPIA 2050.
2. Architect Birke Yami – Large Scale Urbanization in Ethiopia (PPT)
3. Architect Fasil Giorghis – Ethiopia 2050 – Challenges and opportunities Lessons learned in Rural Urbanization the case of BuraNEST
4. Dr. Zegeye Chernet – ‘Relevancing’ Cities The last frontier – Ethiopia/Africa
5. Professor Teshome Abebe – [PPT] – City Agglomerations and Economic Growth
[Text of Speech] – ‘A Tree is Known by its Fruit’: City Agglomerations and Economic Growth
6. Dr. Gulelat Kebede and Ms.Liz Gautner – Investing in Winners – Spatial Targeting for Manufacturing Growth, Formal Employment Growth and Sustainable Urban Growth in Ethiopia’s Secondary Cities (PPT)
7. Professor Mulatu Wubneh – Urban Challenges and Opportunities for Ethiopia 2050
8. Architect Bisrat Kifle – Learning from ‘Addis Vision 2050’
9. Dr. Henok Fikre – The Use of Renewable Energy Sources for HVAC Demands of Buildings
10. Dr. Kassahun Admassu – The Hidden Rural Housing Challenges in Ethiopia and an Alternative Mitigation Measure (PPT).
11. Engineer Teferra Mengesha – Transport Infrastructure Opportunities, Challenges and Key Questions in the Way Forward
12. Professor Asmamaw Tadege – Effective Project Governance: A Mainstay of Good Public Investment
13. Professor Desta Mebratu – Transformational Infrastructure for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia
14. Professor Shifferaw Taye – The Construction Industry: Challenges | Opportunities | Way Forward
B. Economic Growth Drivers: ICT & Advanced Manufacturing
1. Professor Ayenew Ejigou – ርዕስ፡ የገጠር ኢትዮጵያ የልማት ሁኔታና ተስፋ
2. Ato Yilkal Abate – Ethiopia’s ICT Enabled Innovation & Technology Ecosystem
3. Ato Pazion Chernet – Ethiopia’s Healthcare by 2050
4. Ato Bernard Laurendeau – Digital Ethiopia 2050
5. Dr. Mesfin Belachew – Public Private Partnership in ICT Sector to Improve Ease of Doing Business in Ethiopia
6. Ato Aseged Mammo – Advanced Manufacturing Challenges in Ethiopia
7. Dr. Ayele Gelan – Putting a Spotlight on Ethiopia’s Economic Idiosyncrasies. Book version available on Amazon. Also reprinted by AAU Printing Press, and available at AAU book store (Birr 150).
8. Dr. Matias Taye and Ato Tesfaye Chalchisa – The Journey to Circular Production: (Resource Efficiency Performance Assessment of Ethiopian Textile Processing Factories)
9. Ato Yodahe Zemichael – From Kebede to Digital: Ethiopia’s Journey Towards a National ID
10. Ato Mekonnen Kassa and Mr. David Nicholson – ETHIOPIA 2050: ICT Infrastructure Grand Challenges and Proposed Solutions.
11. Ato Mersie Ejigu – Building Wealthy and Free Ethiopia in 2050: Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development as Policy Framework and Strategy.
C. Food, Water, Energy, and Health Nexus
1. Professor Dessalegn Rahmato – Reflections on Vulnerability and Food Insecurity in Rural Ethiopia
2. Dr. Tewabech Bishaw – Innovative Scalable Technologies for Universal, Equitable and Sustainable Health Care
3. Dr. Yayehiyirad Kitaw – Ethiopia: Health Care 2050 (PPT).
4. Dr. Atsede Gualu Endegnanew – Application of Smart Grid Technologies and Digitization in Active Distribution Networks
5. Engineer Hailu Seifu – Solar Energy Development (As Growth Driver)
6. Dr. Semu Moges and Ato Megersa Tesfaye – Perspective National Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Security Analysis 2050: Scenario Based Nexus Modeling.
7. Engineer Eyob Berhane and Engineer Yilma Mengistu – Grand Challenges and Potentials of Ethiopia’s Water Resources by 2050.
D. Workforce Development Theme
1. Dr. Debrework Zewdie – Ethiopia 2050: Turning Challenges to Opportunities.
2. Ms. Rebecca Haile – Haile-Manas Academy: A Model School for Ethiopia
3. Professor Mentewab Ayalew – Human Capital and Workforce Development
4. Dr. Mahlet N. Mesfin – Ethiopia 2050 Grand Challenges: Considerations for Success
5. Professor Mammo Muchie – The Challenges to Human Capital Development and Work in the 4th Industrial Revolution
6.Dr. Aynalem Adugna – Ethiopia’s Age Structure and the Challenges of Meeting the 2050 Development Goals.
Excellent Resource on Demography by Dr. Aynalem Adugna
7. Professor Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi – Enhancing Meteorological and Climatological Services and Research Through Regional Cooperation: The Case of the IGAD Countries